
May 4, 2023

Hegel inedited: the discovery of the Carové manuscripts

Where: Aula Magna, Roma Tre University, Via Ostiense 234/236. 

First Presentation of the German-Italian team that will edit the critical edition of the manuscripts found in 2022 by Klaus Vieweg in the German Library of the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising in the hand of Friedrich Wilhelm Carové (1789 -1852) documenting Hegel’s academic activity in Heidelberg, which until now has been shrouded in mystery. The discoverer of the unpublished material and biographer of Hegel, Klaus Vieweg, Professor Emeritus at the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, will be present.

Prof. Francesca Iannelli, who is currently coordinating at the Department of Philosophy, Communication and Entertainment at the University of Roma Tre the team that will edit the German edition of the manuscript of the first course in Aesthetics taught by Hegel in Heidelberg in 1818, will intervene and moderate. The team includes Dr. Gabriele Schimmenti, who will present the multifaceted figure of Carovè and his role in post-Hegelianism. Also presenting will be Dr. Federica Pitillo, who with Prof. Christian Illies (University of Bamberg) will edit the German edition of the two manuscripts of Philosophy of Nature from 1816/17 and 1818. A lecture by Klaus Vieweg entitled “Another History of Philosophy” will follow.

Manu Invisible, Spirit, 2020 (© Cristina Satta)

1st October 2020 

Inauguration of the mural “SPIRIT” by the Italian artist Manu Invisible  
curated by Stefano Antonelli.

Professor Luca Pietromarchi, Rector of the Roma Tre University, with the artist Manu Invisible 
(© Chiara Anastasia Moda)

23th September – 7th October 2021 

With Hegel in the XXI. Century – A philosophical Exhibition

Video by Vito Amodio 

Curated by Francesca Iannelli and Frédérique Malaval, in collaboration with Chiara Anastasia Moda and Maria Aria Stadirani (ST_ART). 

Where: Foyer Aula Magna, Roma Tre University, Via Ostiense 234/236. 

Catalog: Artemide, Rome 2021

You can download the exhibition brochure here

Talk by the German Aesthetologist Juliane Rebentisch (Professor of Philosophy and Aesthetics at the Hochschule für Gestaltung Offenbach am Main), author of the monograph Ästhetik der Installation, (Suhrkamp, Frankfurt am Main 2003. Winner of the Lessing-Preis 2017)

Opening performance by Riccardo Malaspina

24th September 2021, h 18:30

Goethe-Institut, Via Savoia 15


Presentation in Italian by Gabriella Baptist, Claudia Melica, Pierluigi Valenza of J. Rebentisch’s book La moralità dell’ironia. Hegel e la modernità, tr. it. by Federica Pitillo, Inschiboleth 2019. The author and the translator will be present. Moderation by Francesca Iannelli.

For more info

27th September 2021, h 16

Lecture in Italian on Hegel’s Aesthetics – L’estetica di Hegel: una filosofia della storia dell’arte by Paolo D’Angelo

Aula Magna, Via Ostiense 234/236

7th October 2021, h 16

Book presentation K. Vieweg, Hegel. Der Philosoph der Freiheit. Beck, München 2019 with Paolo D’Angelo, Francesca Iannelli, Federica Pitillo, Pierluigi Valenza
h 17 Talk by Klaus Vieweg (Jena, Germany)

Video Hegel – Abenteuer Denken  
by Reinhold Jaretzky