Past events in Hegel’s Aesthetics

Hagen 2010

International conference Kunst, Religion, Philosophie organised by A. Gethmann-Siefert and A. P. Olivier at the Fernuniversität in Hagen (2-4 July 2010, Germany).

Kunst – Religion – Politik

Alain Patrick Olivier, Elisabeth Weisser-Lohmann (Hg.)

442 Seiten, Fink München, 1. Aufl. 2013.
ISBN: 978-3-7705-5320-4

Rom 2011

International Conference “Art, Religion and Politics in Hegel’s Philosophy” organised by P. D’Angelo and F. Iannelli  at the Roma Tre University (19-20 May 2011, Italy).

Arte, religione e politica in Hegel

A cura di: Francesca Iannelli

265 pagine, Ets Pisa, 2013.
ISBN: 9788846737274

Rom 2013

German-Italian DAAD Conference Von Hegel bis heute at the Roma Tre University in a partnership with Goethe-Institut Rom, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena and Torino University (DAAD Fachkonferenzen-Programmes Deutsch-Italienische Dialoge, 16-18 December 2013). Organised by F. Iannelli, F. Vercellone and K. Vieweg at the Roma Tre University, Italy.

Das Ende der Kunst als Anfang freier Kunst

Klaus Vieweg, Francesca Iannelli, Federico Vercellone (Hg.)

356 Seiten, Fink München, 1. Aufl. 2015.
ISBN: 978-3-7705-5855-1

For further information click here

Fine o nuovo inizio dell’arte
Estetiche della crisi da Hegel al pictorial turn

A cura di  Francesca Iannelli, Gianluca Garelli, Federico Vercellone, Klaus Vieweg

400 pagine, Ets Pisa, 2016.
ISBN: 9788846745620

Villa Vigoni 2017

German-Italian DFG Conference Hegel und Italien – Italien und Hegel: Geistige Synergien von Gestern und Heute at Villa Vigoni, German-Italian Centre for European excellence, 26-28 October 2017, Como, Italy (German-Italian Cooperation in the field of humanities and social sciences), organised by Francesca Iannelli, Federico Vercellone and Klaus Vieweg.

o    Hegel und Italien – Italien und Hegel, ed. by F. Iannelli,  F. Vercellone, K. Vieweg, Milan: Mimesis Verlag 2019.

o    Approssimazioni. Echi del Bel Paese nel sistema hegeliano. Wirkungsgeschichte della filosofia di Hegel in Italia, ed. by F.  Iannelli, F. Vercellone, K. Vieweg, Mimesis Edizioni, Milano 2022.

For further information click here