Olivia Vieweg is a German screenwriter and a graphic novelist. Her graphic novel “Endzeit” inspired the director Carolina Hellsgard in the movie Ever After, set in apocalyptic times, when zombies have taken over Germany and perhaps even the rest of the world. Two young women travel across this post-zombie-apocalyptic Germany in which most of humanity has been wiped out. Many are the Hegelian resonances in the novel and in the movie, such as the controversial thesis of the end of history and of the apocalypse that with different meanings appears in Hegel’s Philosophy and has been taken up by Marx, Kojeve, Fukuyama and Danto.
Review Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Neuer deutscher Unheimlichkeitsheimatfilm
Carolina Hellsgårds „Endzeit“ wirkt anfangs wie eine klassische Zombiegeschichte. Doch dann führt uns der Film in ganz andere Gefilde.
Review The New York Times
‘Endzeit’ Review: Once Upon a Zombie Apocalypse
A German movie goes into the woods with the dead, morphing into a fairy tale that is by turns uneasy and beguiling.