Michela Compagnoni is a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the University of Genoa and holds a PhD from Roma Tre University, where she also worked as a post-doctoral research fellow within the research programme on “The Potentialities of Shakespeare’s Theatre for L2 Learning”. She holds an MA from the University of Bergamo and she was awarded the AIA/Carocci PhD Dissertation Prize 2021 of the Italian Association of English Studies and her monograph entitled I mostri di Shakespeare: figure del deforme e dell’informe will be published in 2022 by Carocci.
She is part of the Project Team of the Silvano Toti Globe Theatre Digital Archive (Roma Tre University) and of the educational activities carried out by the Department of Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures of Roma Tre University (coordinated by Maddalena Pennacchia) in collaboration with the staff of the Gigi Proietti Globe Theatre Silvano Toti in Rome.
She was a Visiting Scholar at the Shakespeare Institute in Stratford-upon-Avon (2014) and at the Warburg Institute in London (2018). In 2020 she won a fellowship of the Italian Association of Shakespearean and Early Modern Studies (IASEMS) for a research residency at Shakespeare’s Globe in London. She has been part of the Shakespeare’s Rome International Summer School Organising Committee since its first edition in 2017 and was part of the ESRA 2019 Conference Secretariat at Roma Tre University. She also works as free-lance translator for the Donizetti Theatre Foundation in Bergamo and for the Italian Cultural Institute in New York.
Her main contributions have been published or are forthcoming in Cahiers Élisabéthains, Lingue e Linguaggi, Notes and Queries, Journal of Adaptation in Film and Performance, Textus: English Studies in Italy, Shakespeare Bulletin, Early Modern Literary Studies. She has also published chapters in such edited collections as Roman Women in Shakespeare and His Contemporaries edited by Domenico Lovascio (Medieval Institute Publications, 2020) and Shakespeare / Nature edited by Charlotte Scott (Arden Shakespeare Intersections Series, forthcoming). She is also working on the first Italian translation of A Hundred Merry Tales for the English section of a critical edition of European jestbooks edited by Stefano Pittaluga and published by Bompiani. The English section also included the first Italian translation of William Caxton’s Fables of Aesop, edited by Domenico Lovascio (general editor of the English section) and of Jests to Make You Merry by Thomas Dekker and George Wilkins, edited by Cristiano Ragni.