Lucia Esposito is Associate professor in English Literature at Roma Tre University, Italy. Her main interests include interart and intermedial Shakespeare; twentieth-century theatre (Stoppard, Beckett); the relationships between literature and the media, especially radio (Una introduzione al radiodramma inglese, 2005; Scene sonore. I radiodrammi di Samuel Beckett, 2005); autobiographical and cultural memory, particularly in relation to the Sixties’ myth (Byatt; Lessing); British youth and postcolonial cultures (Malkani; Kureishi); adaptation, biopics and music (Lennon); the postmodern experimental novel, mainly through the lens of performance theory (Sukenick; Amerika; Danielewski among others); the relationships between literary storytelling and digital technologies (Fforde; Coupland); utopia and dystopia in literature and tv drama (Eggers, Black Mirror). She has co-edited a volume on Metropoli e nuovi consumi culturali. Performance urbane dell’identità (2009), the special issue of RAEI on “Identity, Culture, and Performance Studies” (2013, no. 26), the 2014 issue of Between on “Technology, Imagination, Narrative Forms” (vol. 4, no. 8), and the volume on Downton Abbey. Il fascino sfacciato dell’aristocrazia (2021).