John Gillies is Emeritus Professor in Literature in the Department of Literature, Film, and Theatre Studies, University of Essex. He is the author of Shakespeare and the geography of difference (Cambridge, 1994), and various essays on Shakespeare, Milton and early modern literature and drama. He has co-edited various collections and multimedia packages. Articles include: “The problem of original sin in Hamlet”, SQ 64:4 (2103); “Space and Place in Paradise Lost, ELH 74 (2007), 27-57; “Calvinism as tragedy in the English revenge play”, Shakespeare 9:4 (2013); “The Conversational Turn in Shakespeare”, Études Epistémè, 33 (2018); “Furtive Majesty in John Ford’s Perkin Warbeck”, Sillages Critique 31 (2021); and, ‘“Like steel of too hard a temper”: Shakespeare, Livy, and the idea of the founding virtues’, in, Maria Del Sapio, ed., Rome in Shakespeare’s World, (Edizione di Storia e Letteratura, Rome, 2017). Shortly forthcoming is: “Climate Change and the Postsecular in Paul Schrader’s First Reformed”, in, Sophie Chiari, ed., The Experience of Disaster in Early Modern English Literature (Routledge, 2022). He is working toward two books, Complicity, a cultural history, and Holy Conversation in Shakespeare.