Coen Heijes teaches Shakespeare, Presentism and Performance at the University of Groningen, the University College and the Honours College. He holds MAs in Shakespeare Studies, Shakespeare & Theatre, English Literature and Anthropology and completed his PhD on the impact of history and culture on communication. He wrote/edited/participated in books on the abolishment of slavery, multicultural society, diversity and leadership, stereotyping and perception, and performing early modern drama today and has published extensively in a wide variety of Shakespeare journals. He is a member of the editorial board of Multicultural Shakespeare: Translation, Appropriation and Performance and a member of the board of directors of the British Shakespeare Association. Combining his background as an anthropologist and a Shakespearean, he in interested in applying interdisciplinary perspectives and methodologies in teaching and research combining approaches from the Arts and Humanities and Social Sciences. He is particularly interested in topical political, social and ethical issues and how these relate to and interact with Shakespeare studies and performance. He is currently working on Shakespeare, blackface and performance, on Shakespeare and anti-Semitism, and on Shakespeare, ethics and leadership. His latest book is Shakespeare, Blackface and Race (Cambridge University Press, 2020).