Anna Kowalcze-Pawlik


Anna Kowalcze-Pawlik, Ph.D., Assistant Professor at the Department of the British and Commonwealth Studies at the Faculty of International and Political Studies, University of Lodz, where she teaches literary and cultural studies, works at the International Shakespeare Studies Centre and serves as managing editor of International Studies: Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal. Her main fields of research are Shakespeare in Poland, history of monstrosity and cultural history of emotions.

She has received START Polish Science Foundation scholarship for young scholars, the Minister of Science and Higher Education scholarship for outstanding doctoral students, and the Ministerial a scholarship for young scholars (2017-2019);  she was principal investigator in Polish National Science Centre PRELUDIUM (2012-2014) and ETIUDA (2013-2015) grants, as well as Polish National Centre for Research and Development project “Between Literature and Philosophy: Conflict and Dialogue (2017-2019), in which Shakespeare and philosophy were taught to high-school students in Poland. She has just published on the history of the Polish reception of The Tempest which is the outcome of international V4Shakespeare grant she participated in together with other co-founders of the Central and Eastern European Research Shakespeare Association.  

Dr Kowalcze-Pawlik is a board member of the Polish Shakespeare Society, where he has been serving as vice president since 2018. She is also an active member of the British, American, European and International Shakespeare Societies (BSA, SAA, ESRA, ISA) as well as the American Renaissance Society (RSA).; she belongs to the International Society for Translation and Intercultural Research (IATIS) and the scientific groups “Shakespeare in Education (NTNU, Trondheim) and “Shakespeare in Culture (University of Warsaw). She is currently finalising her book on female revenge in early modern English drama (University of Lodz Publishing House, forthcoming). Most recently she has published with Multicultural Shakespeare, Theatralia and The Polish Review.