Richard Ambrosini

Richard Ambrosini

Richard Ambrosini


Richard ambrosini is Professor of English Literature in the Department of Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures of the Università di Roma Tre. He is the President of the Italian Association of Conrad Studies. His books include Conrad’s Fiction as Critical Discourse (Cambridge University Press, 1991-2008), Introduzione a Conrad (Laterza, 1991), and R. L. Stevenson: la poetica del romanzo (Bulzoni, 2001). He co-edited with Richard Dury Robert Louis Stevenson, Writer of Boundaries (University of Wisconsin Press, 2006) and European Stevenson (Cambridge Scholars, 2009). Aside from more than twenty essays on Stevenson as well as on Conrad, he has written a number of essays ranging from Chaucer to Graham Greene, through Shakespeare, Coleridge, Kipling, Ouida and others.

In recent years he has published contributions on a variety of topics, including the beginning of the international antiracist movement (“I documenti UNESCO sulla ‘Race Question’ e l’ambigua nascita dell’antirazzismo” [2010]), postcolonialism and multiculturalism (“Memoria storica e critica del presente: usi e abusi dei termini ‘multiculturalismo’ e ‘postcoloniale’” [2013]), and two long essays for Letteratura Europea UTET: “Il mondo nuovo del romanzo: 1900-1925” and “L’avventura” (2014) He has translated, among other novels, Conrad’s An Outcast of the Islands, The Secret Agent and Chance and Stevenson’s Treasure Island and The Beach of Falesá.