Maddalena Pennacchia


Maddalena Pennacchia is Full Professor of English Literature at Roma Tre University.
She is the author of Shakespeare intermediale. I drammi romani (Editoria & Spettacolo 2012) and Tracce del moderno nel teatro di Shakespeare (ESI 2008); she edited Literary Intermediality (Peter Lang 2007) and co-edited Questioning Bodies in Shakespeare’s Rome (V&R Unipress 2010), Adaptation, Intermediality and the British Celebrity Biopic (Ashgate 2014), Turismo creativo e identità culturale (Roma TrE-Press, 2015), Shakespeare and Tourism (ESI, 2019).
She authored a bio-fiction for children, Shakespeare e il sogno di un’estate (Lapis 2009) which was translated into Spanish (2013) and Romanian (2016).
She has written extensively on Shakespeare (and more specifically Roman Shakespeare on screen and early earth sciences in Shakespearean plays). Her other current areas of research are intermediality and adaptation studies, the biopic, literary tourism, children’s literature, Jane Austen on screen, Bollywood adaptations of English literary classics. She was a member of the Steering Committee of IASEMS (Italian Association of Shakespearean and Early Modern Studies) from 2009 to 2012 and is a delegate member of the Stratford International Shakespeare Conference. She is general co-editor of the book series Turismi e culture (Roma TrE-Press) and a member of the editorial board of Biblioteca di Studi inglesi (Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura); she is a member of the editorial and advisory board of the Journal of Adaptation in Film and Performance (Intellect), where she serves as reviews editor.
In 2016 she performed as onscreen scientific consultant for the TV series Shakespeare Class (RAI Scuola) and L’Italia di Shakespeare, Viaggio nella bellezza (RAI Storia). In 2020 her programme for secondary school students called “Learning English with Shakespeare” in collaboration with the Silvano Toti Gobe Theatre became a documentary for RAI Scuola and is now available on RAIPlay.
She co-convened the International Conference ESRA 2019 at Roma Tre.
She is Project Director of the Silvano Toti Globe Theatre Archive.

Selected Shakespearean publications

“Esplorare la commedia romantica shakespeariana al Silvano Toti Globe Theatre di Roma Conversazione con Loredana Scaramella (parte prima)”, Mimesis Journal, 9(2) (2020), 129-144.

“Shakespearean Actors and Hollywood Stars: Stage and Screen Celebrities in My Week with Marilyn (2011) and Burton and Taylor (2013)”, TEXTUS, XXXIII (2) (2020), 129-148.

Shakespeare and Tourism. Place, Memory, Participation, co-edited with Marta Minier, ESI, Napoli, 2019.

“Theatre Strikes Back in the Digital Era: An Interview with Stephan Wolfert”, Multicultural Shakespeare: Translation, Appropriation and  Performance, vol. 20 (35), 2019 pp. 37-49.

“Intermedial Props in Shakespeare’s Roman Plays”, Shakespeare, 2019, DOI: 10.1080/17450918.2019.1649303, pp. 1-9.

‘“But not love […]”: An interview with Loredana Scaramella about her translation, adaptation and direction of La bisbetica domata (The Taming of the Shrew) at the Silvano Toti Globe Theatre in Rome (2018)’, Journal of Adaptation in Film & Performance 12:1+2, 2019, pp. 91–106, doi: 10.1386/jafp.12.1-2.91_1.

“Roman Shakespeare and Adaptation: A Short Survey of the Silent Films”, in M. Del Sapio Garbero (ed), Rome in Shakespeare’s World, Roma, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2018, pp. 241-58.

“Intermedial Products for Digital Natives: British Theatre-Cinema on Italian Screens”, Cartographier (l’intermédialité) / Mapping (Intermediality)“, Intermédialité, no 30-31 (Fall 2017 Spring 2018) Digital publication July 10 2018

“Performance Review Della rovina, di tempo e di bellezza: Shakespeare e il destino di Roma, a Palladium Theatre Production (2016)”, Textus, 29.3 (2017), pp. 213-218.

“Shakespeare’s Puppets: The Tempest and The Winter’s Tale in the Animated Tales“, in Sarah Hatchuel and Nathalie Vienne-Guerrin (eds), Shakespeare on Screen. The Tempest and Late Romances, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2017, pp. 133-146.

“Esperimenti d’illusionismo ottico nella Tempesta: Shakespeare e Julie Taymor”, in Del Sapio Garbero, Maria (ed.),  Shakespeare e la nuova scienza nella cultura early modern / Shakespeare and the New Science in Early Modern Culture, Collana “Studi di Letterature Moderne e Comparate”, Pisa, Pacini Editore, 2016, pp. 293-310.

“Shakespeare for Beginners: The Animated Tales from Shakespeare and the Case Study of Julius Caesar”, in Anja Müller (ed.), Adapting Canonical Texts in Children’s Literature, London and New York, Bloomsbury Academic, 2013, pp. 59-75.

Shakespeare intermediale. I drammi romani, Spoleto, Editoria & Spettacolo, 2012, pp. 255.

“Stones on Canvas and on Stage: Early Earth Sciences in Leonardo’s Virgin of the Rocks and Shakespeare’s The Tempest”, in Dialoge zwischen Wissenschaft, Kunst und Literatur, ed. by Klaus Bergdolt and Manfred Pfister, Wolfenbütteler Abhandlungen zur Renaissance-forschung, 27, Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden, 2011, pp. 71-85.

“A Map of the Essays” e “The Stones of Rome: Early Earth Sciences in Julius Caesar and Coriolanus”, in Questioning Bodies in Shakespeare’s Rome, ed. by M. Del Sapio Garbero, N. Isenberg and M. Pennacchia, Gottingen, V& R Press, 2010, pp. 21-30 e pp. 309-26.

“Female Marginalia: Handkerchiefs at the Borders of Tudor History”, in C. Dente and S. Orgel (eds.), Textus.Marginal Textualities, XXII-3, 2009, pp. 699-713.

“Antony’s Ring: Remediating Ancient Rhetoric on the Elizabethan Stage”, in Identity, Otherness and Empire in Shakespeare’s Rome, ed. by M. Del Sapio Garbero, Farnham/ Burlington VT, Ashgate,  2009, pp. 49-59.

«Othello fiorisce a Bollywood: Omkara di Vishal Bharadwaj», in Postcolonial Shakespeare, a cura di Masolino D’Amico e Simona Corso, Roma, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2009, pp. 231-250.

Tracce del moderno nel teatro di Shakespeare, Napoli, ESI, 2008, pp. 124.

«William Shakespeare, Mme de Stael and the Politics of Translation», Folio. Shakspeare- Genootschap van Nederland en Vlaanderen, 13-1, 2006, pp. 9-20.