Lisa Hopkins
Lisa Hopkins is Professor of English and Head of Graduate School at Sheffield Hallam University. She is a co-editor of Shakespeare, the journal of the British Shakespeare Association, of the Arden Early Modern Drama Guides, and of Arden Studies in Early Modern Drama. She also co-organises the annual Othello’s Island conference on Cyprus (http://www.othellosisland.org/ ). She has written mainly on Marlowe, Shakespeare and Ford, but her publications also include The Cultural Uses of the Caesars on the English Renaissance Stage (Ashgate, 2008), which discusses Roman plays by lesser known authors as well as Shakespeare’s. Her next book will be From the Romans to the Normans on the English Renaissance Stage (ARC Humanities Press, 2017).
Selected Publications
Shakespearean Allusion in Crime Fiction: DCI Shakespeare (Palgrave, 2016)
Renaissance Drama on the Edge (Ashgate, 2014)
Drama and the Succession to the Crown, 1561-1633 (Ashgate, 2011)
Christopher Marlowe, Dramatist (Edinburgh University Press, 2008)
Renaissance Literature and Culture, co-authored with Matthew Steggle (Continuum, 2006)
A Christopher Marlowe Chronology (Palgrave, 2005)
Shakespeare on the Edge: Border-crossing in the Tragedies and the Henriad (Ashgate, 2005)
Beginning Shakespeare (Manchester University Press, 2005)
The Female Hero in English Renaissance Tragedy (London: Palgrave, 2002)
John Ford’s Political Theatre (Manchester University Press, 1994)