Laura D’Angelo


Laura D’Angelo is an art historian, a post-graduate fellow at Roma Tre University in 2018 and a member of the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Arkansas Rome program since 2016. She attended the European Master in History of Architecture (Academy of Saint Luke and Roma Tre University) directed by Giorgio Ciucci and Marida Talamona in 2004 and completed her PhD in Art History at Roma Tre University in 2008 with a thesis on the role of Giulio Aristide Sartorio in post-unification Italian culture.

She worked as a researcher in Italian and international Museums such as the Louvre in Paris, the National Gallery of Modern Art and the Academy of Saint Luke in Rome, and she has been teaching at Roma Tre University as free-lance lecturer since 2000 (Departments of Humanities and Architecture).

Laura D’Angelo’s academic background focuses on XIX and XX centuries art and architecture but in the last ten years her studies have been centered mainly on 1950s-1980s, as she took part within Roma Tre unit in two Projects of National Interests (PRIN) – 2010 (Multiplied art. Visual culture at Rome between magazines and reviews, from 1950s and 1980s) and 2017 (The contemporary art exhibitions in the Italian private art galleries: the crucial decades 1960s – 1980s). She was also consultant for the Giuseppe Capogrossi and Giacomo Manzù Art Foundation for over ten years until 2016.

In 2014 she was co-curator of the exhibition Manzù/Marino. Gli Ultimi moderni set at the Fondazione Magnani Rocca in Parma and in 2016 she was assistant curator of the exhibition Giacomo Manzù and the challenge of a new spirituality curated by prof. Barbara Cinelli and set at Castel Sant’Angelo Museum in Rome.

At the UARK Rome program she teaches the following full-term courses: Human Behavior and Early History of Modern Architecture.


Le porte di Manzù and Manzù e le Porte di San Pietro. Una ricostruzione documentaria in Manzù. Dialoghi sulla spiritualità con Lucio Fontana, exhibition catalogue curated by Barbara Cinelli with Davide Colombo, National Museum of Castel Sant’Angelo, Museo Giacomo Manzù, Ardea, 8 December 2016 – 5 March 2017, Electa, Milan 2016.

Giuseppe Capogrossi e l’immagine dell’astrattismo borghese: Come la rivoluzione del segno entrò nelle case degli italiani, in Caro Capogrossi ti scrivo. Index of correspondents 1950s- 1970s, curated by Laura D’Angelo and Ileana Pansino,  Scalpendi, Milan 2017. 

L’artista e il suo modello. I casi esemplari di Giacomo Manzù e Marino Marini in Manzù/Marino. Gli Ultimi moderni, Fondazione Magnani Rocca, 13 settembre – 8 dicembre 2014, exhibition catalogue curated by Laura D’Angelo and Stefano Roffi, Silvana editoriale, Cinisello Balsamo 2014.

Ri-costruire l’Italia attraverso l’immagine degli artisti: il caso di Giacomo Manzù, “Studi di Memofonte”, 11, 2013.

La strategia per un’immagine di artista accessibile: Raffaele Carrieri su “Epoca” in Arte moltiplicata. l’immagine del ‘900 nello specchio dei rotocalchi, curated  by B. Cinelli, F. Fergonzi, M.G. Messina, A. Negri, Bruno Mondadori, Milan-Turin 2013.

Lettere a Capogrossi in Capogrossi: una retrospettiva, curated by Luca Massimo Barbero, Venice, Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Marsilio, Venice 2012.

L’immagine dell’artista nell’Italia del miracolo economico in Quinterni/5 of Department of Fine Arts, University of Roma Tre curated by Antonello Frongia and Rita Dolce, Libro Co, San Casciano 2012.

L’ordinamento del 1915 nel dibattito sullo stile nazionale e sulla restaurazione dell’arte italiana in La Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna, Cronache e storia. 1911 – 2011, curated by Stefania Frezzotti and Patrizia Rosazza Ferraris, Palombi, Rome 2011.

Roma fin de siècle tra nostalgia e modernismo: la testimonianza delle comunità protestanti di Saint Paul’s e All Saints’ in “Metamorfosi della città. Spazi urbani e forme di vita nella cultura occidentale”  Collection of Conference papers. Rome Tre University, Rome, 30 november – 1 december 2001. Editori Riuniti Associati, Rome