Kristine Johanson


Kristine Johanson is Assistant Professor of English at the University of Amsterdam. In her research, Kristine is interested broadly both in representing and rethinking time in early modernity and in Shakespeare adaptations. This first interest began with her doctoral work on nostalgia in early modern drama. In 2016 she edited and contributed to the Parergon special issue ‘Approaches to Early Modern Nostalgia’, and this research continues with her monograph project Shakespeare’s Golden Ages: Resisting Nostalgia in Elizabethan Drama. This research led to the development of her second book project on time and emotion in early modern literature. In 2015 she received a Huntington Library Fellowship for her project, ‘Melancholy and the Opportune Moment: Occasio as Mediator of Emotion on the Early Modern English Stage’, which forms the basis of that research. With Joanne Paul (Sussex) and Sarah Lewis (King’s College, London), she co-developed and co-directs the Grasping Kairos international research network. Finally, Kristine’s interest in adaptation emerged from a scholarly edition (begun with Barbara Murray) of adaptations from the early eighteenth century. Her current adaptations research has focused on how modern cinema adapts early modern sexuality in film adaptations of Shakespeare.

Select Publications:

  • K. Johanson, ‘Regulating Time and the Self in Shakespearean Drama’. In R. Loughnane, & E. Semple (Eds.), Staged Normality in Shakespeare’s England. Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.
  • K. Johanson, ‘Our brains beguiled’: Ecclesiastes and Sonnet 59’s Poetics of Temporal Instability. In H. Crawforth , E. Scott-Baumann, & C. Whitehead (Eds.), The Sonnets: The State of Play. Arden Shakespeare, Bloomsbury, 2017.
  • K. Johanson, ‘In the Mean Season: Richard II and the Nostalgic Politics of Hospitality’. Parergon 33:2 (2016), 57-78.
  • K. Johanson, ‘On the Possibility of Early Modern Nostalgias’. Parergon 33:2 (2016), 1-15.
  • K. Johanson, Shakespeare Adaptations from the Early Eighteenth Century: Five Plays. Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2014.