Harald Hendrix
Harald Hendrix (1958) is director of the Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome, as well as full professor of Italian Studies at Utrecht University. With a combined background in Cultural History, Comparative Literature and Italian Studies, he has published widely on the European reception of Italian Renaissance and Baroque culture (Traiano Boccalini fra erudizione e polemica, Olschki, 1995), on the early-modern aesthetics of the non-beautiful as well as on literary culture and memory. He is currently preparing a book on the cultural history of writers’ houses in Italy, from Petrarch to the present day.
Recent publications include Writers’ Houses and the Making of Memory (Routledge, 2008; paperback 2012), Autorità, modelli e antimodelli nella cultura artistica e letteraria fra Riforma e Controriforma (with Antonello Corsaro and Paolo Procaccioli; Vecchiarelli, 2007), Officine del nuovo (with Paolo Procaccioli; Vecchiarelli, 2008), Dynamic Translations in the European Renaissance (with Philiep Bossier and Paolo Procaccioli; Vecchiarelli, 2011), The Turn of the Soul. Representations of Religious Conversion in Early Modern Art and Literature (with Lieke Stelling and Todd Richardson; Brill, 2011), The History of Futurism: The Precursors, Protagonists, and Legacies (with Geert Buelens en Monica Jansen; Lexington Books, 2012), and Cyprus and the Renaissance, 1450-1650 (with Benjamin Arbel en Evelien Chayes; Brepols, 2013).