Giorgio Ortolani
Associate Professor of Architectural History at Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy, teaching Architectural History 1st (Ancient, Medieval and Renaissance Architecture), and Ancient Architecture: Theories, Types, and Techniques. Curator of a series of essays on Italian Architecture (I luoghi della nobiltà) and Art treatises (I trattati delle arti) for the Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato – Libreria dello Stato (Rome). Previous teaching experience as Associate Professor at the Politecnico di Bari (2004-2008); and as Adjunct Professor in the Faculties of Architecture of Rome “La Sapienza” Ludovico Quaroni (2001-2005); Bari Politecnico (1998-2001), ICR (Central Institute for Conservation), Rome (1990-2006), and Palermo University (1993-1995), where I obtained a Post-Doctoral scholarship (1995-1997). In 1989-2004 I worked as Historic Heritage Documentation Officer at the Department of Culture (Assessorato alla Cultura), Regione Lazio, Rome, Italy. Since 1988 editor of “Palladio”, Journal of History of Architecture and Restoration, Istituto Poligrafico dello Stato, Rome. Member of the Italian Archaeological School in Athens (1981), I was involved in further researches in Greece at Crete, Chios and Rhodes. Other experiences in archaeological survey, excavations, and conservation problems at Sabratha (Lybia, 1983); Mount Nebo, Jordan (1984, 1995), Djemila-Cuicul, Algeria (2011), and Rome (1985-86, 2001-2002). Degree in Architecture (Architectural Design, tutor F. Berarducci) “summa cum laude” in 1979, at Rome University “La Sapienza”.