Consuelo Lollobrigida
Consuelo Lollobrigida is an Art Historian with a 2008 joint Ph. D. degree in Art History from Sapienza Università di Roma. Currently, Adjunct Professor of Art History at William J. Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences College at University of Arkansas.
She taught Museum Studies at Sapienza Università di Roma and worked for Soprintendenza di Roma cataloguing the art works of the Roman territory. In this regard, she curated exhibitions and fairs, such as Biennale Internazionale di Roma, Tefaf Maastricht, Paris Tableau, Masterpiece London, Biennale des Antiquaries Paris, Biennale Internazionale di Firenze, Brixia Antiquaria.
Since 2005, Consuelo Lollobrigida has been studying the history of women artists in the early modern time, focusing her attention principally to Rome and its milieu. Her research encompasses the history and theory of art history in early modern Italy and spans a variety of topics, including gender studies and their dissemination and reception across national boundaries, especially between Italy and France.
Lollobrigida’s specific field is that of sixteenth- and seventeenth- century Italian visual art with a special interest in issues of artistic and intellectual exchanges, particularly between Spain, France and Italy.
Her attention and research outside the field of history of art and gender studies include museum studies, art market, and touristic return and fulfillment of the Italian Heritage.
As a university professor, Consuelo has taught and teaches full-term university courses on Art History, Museum Studies and Human Behavior for various universities and education abroad service providers, including programs sponsored by the University of Arkansas Rome Center, University of Michigan, Trinity College Scholar Road, and numerous other American community colleges hosted in Rome. As a guest speaker at universities, cultural associations and private institutions, she has held cultural lectures and seminar-style workshops all over Italy.
Selected Publications
Books and exhibition catalogues
- C. Lollobrigida, Pictura et Architectura Celebris. Plautilla Bricci e il barocco romano. Forthcoming (Gangemi Editore).
- C. Lollobrigida, Following Women Artists. A Guide of Rome, Foligno, etGraphiae, 2013
- C. Lollobrigida, Maria Luigia Raggi. Il Capriccio paesaggistico tra Arcadia e Grand Tour, Foligno, Valneo&Andreina Budai 2012
- C. Lollobrigida, Di mano donnesca. Donne Artiste dal XVI al XX secolo, exhibition catalogue, (Roma, Palazzo Venezia, 4 – 14 October 2012), Foligno, Andreina e Valneo Budai editori
- C. Lollobrigida, Introduzione alla Museologia. Storia Strumenti e Metodi per l’educatore museale, Firenze, Le Lettere 2010
- Lollobrigida, Tra la storia nascoste. Juana e Virginia: due veliterne a Parigi, tra continuità e innovazione, in “Juana Romani. La Petite Italienne. Da modella a pittrice nella Parigi fin-de-siècle”, exhibition catalogue, eds. by Marco Nocca, Gabriele Romani, Alessandra De Angelis, Velletri – Convento del Carmine, 22 dicembre 2017 – 28 gennaio 2018, Roma 2017, pp. 23-28.
- Lollobrigida, Women Artists in Casa Barberini: Plautilla Bricci, Maddalena Corvini, Artemisia Gentileschi, Anna Maria Vaiani, and Virginia da Vezzo, in Sheila Barker (ed. by), “Artemisia Gentileschi in a Changing Light,” Brepols Publishers, 2017, pp. 119-130.
- C. Lollobrigida, Anna d’Austria e Plautilla Bricci. Indizi di matronage reale nella Roma del Seicento, in “Matronazgo y arquitectura. De la Antigüedad a la Edad Moderna”, Candida Martinez Lopez y Felipe Serrano Estrella (edited by), Universidad de Granada Press, 2016, pp. 423-450.
- C. Lollobrigida, Maria Luigia Raggi. Monaca Turchina. Pittrice di Capricci e Paesaggi, in ”Memorie Domenicane. Artiste nel chiostro. Produzione artistica nei monasteri femminili in età moderna”, Atti del convegno internazionale di studi “Artiste nel Chiostro”, 2015, Anno 132, XLVI, pp. 191-198.
- C. Lollobrigida, Virginia da Vezzo. Un inedito e qualche riflessione, in “Diana”, nr. 2/2011, pp. 64 – 69.
- C. Lollobrigida, Maria Luigia Raggi. Raffinata pittrice di vedute e capricci, in “Diana”, nr. 1/2011, pp. 37- 43.
- C. Lollobrigida, “Da lassù, tramontando il sole, splendido è il colpo d’occhio sul Colosseo”, in Giuseppe Piermarini tra barocco e neoclassico. Roma, Napoli, Caserta, Foligno, exhibition catalogue edited by M. Fagiolo&M. Tabarrini, Foligno, Palazzo Trinci, 5 June – 2 October 2010, pp. 191 – 200
- C. Lollobrigida, Il museo-scuola di Lionello Venturi. Fondamenti epistemologici della didattica museale italiana, edizioni Scriptaweb, nr. 8, Napoli, 2007.
- C. Lollobrigida, La donnesca mano. Critica, fonti e documenti per una storia dell’arte al femminile nella Roma Barocca, edizioni Scriptaweb, nr. 7, Napoli, 2007.